2017 Syracuse University Commencement Address – Mark Verone ‘95
Mark Verone ’95, president of the Syracuse University Alumni Association, delivers his commencement address at the Carrier Dome on Sunday, May 14, 2017.
Mark Verone ’95, president of the Syracuse University Alumni Association, delivers his commencement address at the Carrier Dome on Sunday, May 14, 2017.
Appreciating Our Orange Family This is my final column as president of the Syracuse University Alumni Association (SUAA). On June 30, my term will come to a close. It has been an extraordinary honor to lead an alumni association that is 250,000 members strong. I have enjoyed meeting many of you in person—in restaurants, on […]
Syracuse University Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 http://sumagazine.syr.edu/2016fall-winter/alumnijournal/suaacolumn.html Celebrating Orange Friendships September’s Orange Central weekend was an incredible celebration, and I want to say thank you to the thousands of alumni and friends who returned home for our annual homecoming and reunion events. I thoroughly enjoyed the chance to meet all of you and to share our […]
Syracuse University Alumni Association Presidents Column Syracuse University Magazine Summer 2016 http://sumagazine.syr.edu/2016summer/alumnijournal/suaacolumn.html Marking Progress Progress is the theme of this issue’s column—visible progress, as well as progress that we know is happening but can’t necessarily see. Progress is…120-plus summer improvement projects underway right now on the Syracuse University campus, including construction of the University […]
Syracuse University Alumni Association Presidents Column Syracuse University Magazine Spring 2016 http://sumagazine.syr.edu/2016spring/alumnijournal/suaacolumn.html Join Us for Orange Central Homecoming Save the dates of September 15-18 and join us for Orange Central Homecoming 2016! September is one of the most beautiful months of the year on campus, as the leaves begin to change colors and the energy […]
Syracuse University Alumni Association Presidents Column Syracuse University Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 http://sumagazine.syr.edu/2015fall-winter/alumnijournal/suaacolumn.html Forever Orange Thank you to all of you who joined us on campus for Orange Central Homecoming in October. The weekend was an extraordinary celebration of the more than 250,000 members of our Orange family. On behalf of all alumni, I would like […]
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University https://communications.syr.edu/blog/brandstand-four-seasons-north-face/ BrandStand: Experiential Marketing September 28, 2015 by Communications Staff By Mark Verone, VP of Global Marketing & Product Operations & Services, Gogo Selling an experience is one of the hardest things for any brand to portray effectively. Many brands will use a variety of tactics […]
Syracuse University Alumni Association Presidents Column Syracuse University Magazine Summer 2015 http://sumagazine.syr.edu/2015summer/alumnijournal/suaapresidentscolumn.html See You at Homecoming As the new president of the Syracuse University Alumni Association (SUAA), I look forward to leading a team of ambassadors to our more than 250,000 Syracuse alumni across the globe. A 1995 Newhouse graduate, my Orange roots run deep. […]
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